Solmi. Ship of fools di Miracco R. (cur.); Kosinski D. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Solmi. Ship of fools

Solmi. Ship of fools

Editore: Gangemi Editore

Reparto: Arti

ISBN: 9788849250992

Data di pubblicazione: 16/04/2024

Numero pagine: 128

Collana: Arti visive, architettura e urbanistica

Si fa attendere


This is a work of epic scale, operatic volume, and moral proportions. This is the ship of fools, a drunken boat with a rudderless crew of scurrilous, a-moral scoundrels, fomenting tragedy and destruction in their wake. We all, alas, have a berth on the boat.

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