Studies on radicalisation prevention and new investigative models to counter terrorism. Best practices emerging from the EU funded project JP-COOPS-Judical and Police Cooperation Preventing Radicalization Towards Terrorism di Bianchi S. (cur.) - Bookdealer | I tuoi librai a domicilio
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Studies on radicalisation prevention and new investigative models to counter terrorism. Best practices emerging from the EU funded project JP-COOPS-Judical and Police Cooperation Preventing Radicalization Towards Terrorism

Studies on radicalisation prevention and new investigative models to counter terrorism. Best practices emerging from the EU funded project JP-COOPS-Judical and Police Cooperation Preventing Radicalization Towards Terrorism

Editore: NFC Edizioni

Reparto: Problemi e servizi sociali

ISBN: 9788867263929

Data di pubblicazione: 16/03/2023

Numero pagine: 42

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